Worth ä Shot
Jägermeister translates to master of the hunt, the title of an ages old career of deerhunter in Germany. The logo of a stag with a glowing cross is drawn from the legend of St. Hurbertus. The Jägermeister website states, “Once a wild huntsman, Hubertus had a vision of a mighty stag carrying a glowing cross between its antlers. The vision transformed him and afterwards he championed a greater respect for nature, eventually becoming known as the patron saint of hunters.”
The “Worth ä Shot” campaign alludes to the wonderful flavor and strength of the botanically-infused aperitif, while referencing the brand’s rich mythology, and its reputation as the choice beverage of risk-takers and thrill-seekers. Print ads are accompanied with an iPhone game where audience members can take a shot that might be worth of shot of Jägermeister at the bar later that evening, depending on their aim. Try the online game here (desktop enabled only currently).
This graphically powered campaign reminds people that Jägermeister is synonymous with boldness, and puts the taste of a worthy challenge back in the public’s mouth.
// Spring 2023 // Term 02