Mous Lamrabat - Mashallah Mous
What do McDonalds, feminism and the Arab world have in common? The chromatic visionary that is Mous Lamrabat.
Born in Morocco and raised in Belgium, Moustafa “Mous” Lamrabat walks between worlds and carries his camera as he goes. His vivid dreamlike images construct a world seen only in the periphery of passing moments, and in the waking moments of pastel-toned dreams. Yet, the visions he constructs feel strangely real, beautiful, and accurate. Perhaps it is even the most accurate vision of the current state of middle eastern culture.
Men and women wear traditional middle eastern garments with surrealistic details and obtuse references to icons of western culture - basketball jerseys, McDonalds, Nike, Louis Vuitton, Gucci. The redux of the highest and lowest elements of western society, mixed with the traditional environments and cultural touchstones of Morocco and the middle east.
The fresh aesthetic is notable for it’s unaffected power, and the poetry of it’s honesty.